What is counseling?
Let’s simplify counseling into an analogy. Counseling is like emergency roadside repair work. Your car has a flat tire, dead battery or other issue. This problem prevents you from continuing on your journey and results in you calling an Emergency Roadside Repair Service. The service comes to fix the problem you’re back on the road and continuing with your journey. In essence, the engine is fine, the body of the car is fine and your car does have an issue but this doesn’t mean the whole car is ruined.
On the road of life we all have “flat tires.” The engine is good, the body is good but we do have problems at times. Mental Health counseling is helping us fix the “flat tire” so we can resume our journey through life.
Phone: 715-424-6960
Fax: 715-424-6963
Email: office@cwca.biz*
*Please note that this inbox is not checked for clinical and scheduling purposes.
Address: 320 W Grand Ave #304A
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat - Sun: CLOSED
Please note that evening and Saturday therapy appointments are available upon request