When we are experiencing anxiety or stress our physiological response is that we start diaphragmatic breathing or hyperventilating. When we hyperventilate we do not oxygenate our brain and we do not get rid of the carbon dioxide. Because of that, our blood vessels constrict, our skin and muscle tissue begin tensing up and away we go! The following exercise is designed to address the physiological reaction to anxiety and stress.
Step One: First of all you need to be aware of your stress and anxiety, the earlier the better. Once you feel anxiety coming on, find a comfortable, ideally quiet place, and sit or lie down. The first step is breathing so your torso fills up with air. If you are hyperventilating your chest expands, but if you’re deep breathing your stomach expands. Start by taking a deep breath in through the nose, count to five and then blow the air out through the mouth, and count to seven. Do this three times. Now you have oxygenized your brain and expelled the carbon dioxide.
Step Two: Tighten every muscle in your body, from your feet to your head, and hold that tension for as long as you can. This will release the muscle tension.
Step Three: Keeping eyes closed, picture in your mind’s eye that you are in the most relaxing, calm and serene place you have ever been, or may want to go to. Pay attention to the smell, the sound and the sights, just like you were there and there is not a worry in the world. Most people can get to a relaxing place, but have a hard time staying there because we are distractible. That is OK; just keep coming back to that place.
Some people can’t imagine a relaxing place, or they can’t picture it. I would then suggest, with eyes closed, count your breaths, 1 in and 1 out etc. You’ll probably lose track and that’s OK, just start over. It’s not the number of breaths that is important.
Recent research suggests that if you would do the above for ten minutes every day, your brain chemistry actually alters in eight weeks.
Phone: 715-424-6960
Fax: 715-424-6963
Email: office@cwca.biz*
*Please note that this inbox is not checked for clinical and scheduling purposes.
Address: 320 W Grand Ave #304A
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat - Sun: CLOSED
Please note that evening and Saturday therapy appointments are available upon request